
Child benefit (or kinderbijslag in Dutch) is a payment you receive from the government towards the expenses of raising a child. If you live or work in the Netherlands and you have a child or children under the age of 18, then you are entitled to claim child benefit.

Who can claim child benefits?

If you are an expat coming to the Netherlands to work or live with your children you may be eligible to claim child benefits; if you are from an EU or EEA country or Switzerland, or you have a valid residence permit or a work permit. There are also a few rules if you work for an international organization, where you claim child benefit from your home country instead. Specific guidelines can be found on the SVB (Sociale Verzekeringsbank) website (they have information in English as well as several other languages).

You can also claim child benefits for children you have adopted, fostered, stepchildren or other children that you bring up and care for as if they were your own.

How can you claim child benefits?

If you have just moved to the Netherlands with your child or children you will need to register at the Gemeentehuis first and obtain a DigiD code (digital login code used by government websites and services). You can also visit the International Welcome Center North for help in getting a DigiD code. Once you have your DigiD code you need to visit the SVB website and submit a claim through them. You will need to fill in an online form, which is only in available in Dutch. Again you can contact the IWCN for help and guidance.

If you are currently living in the Netherlands and have just had a child, the SVB will contact you within 2-4 weeks of you registering the birth at the Gemeentehuis. You will be sent a letter with an invite to fill and and submit an online form, and will need a DigiD code.

How much are child benefit payments?

The amount of money you will receive depends on the age of your child. Child benefit is not means tested. For the last few years the payment has remained the same.
The current amounts per child per quarter are:
0 to 5 years old – €191,65
6 to 11 years old – €232,71
12 to 17 years old – €273,78
Child benefit payments are paid out every three months direct to your bank account. If you have more than one child you will receive a payment for each child in their respective age catergory.

Additional financial support

In addition to child benefit, you may also qualify for child budget (kinderbonden). This is an additional monthly contribution from the government for low-income families. In issue 57 (February 2015) of Connections we covered the different forms of toeslagen, including the child budget (kindgebonden budget).

For additional information about child benefit visit the SVB website:
They have information in Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish, Polish and Turkish.

Something to note, child benefits are paid until the day your child turns 18. If your child goes to college before this age they are not yet entitled to study financing until child benefits stop.

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