Panda cub born in Ouwehands Zoo in Rhenen

Ouwehands Dierenpark in Rhenen is the only zoo in the Netherlands that has giant pandas. The two pandas, Wu Wen and Xing Ya, have been on loan from China since 2017. Back in January, the two pandas mated for the first time and it has been an anxious wait to find out if a baby panda was on its way.

All that waiting ended in celebration when, on May 1st 2020, Wu Wen gave birth to a baby panda cub.

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Step on the brakes! Reduced speed limits!

Photo by Heorhii Heorhiichuk from Pexels

You may have heard about it from colleagues, or via the news, but here is a full break down of the new speed limit that will come into effect in March.

From mid-March 2020 new road rules will come into effect on Dutch motorways where currently the speed limit is 120 or 130 kilometres per hour. On these roads, between the hours of 6am and 7pm, a new reduced maximum speed limit of 100 kilometre per hour will be in effect.

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Seeing Abraham & Sarah

When you celebrate your 50th birthday in the Netherlands, the Dutch refer to this as ‘meeting Abraham’ if you are male, or ‘meeting Sarah’ if you are female. It is a tradition that honours a person gaining wisdom through experience. It is a major birthday that many look forward to and a cause for a great party.

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